Why You Should Move Quickly in Your Recruitment Process!
The Benefit To Your Company
The recruitment process can be an intense one for any company or candidate. Just like with offer management, it’s important to get all of your decisions sorted before the process begins, to ensure the progression can be carried out swiftly.
It’s a Competitive Market
The best candidates are always in highest demand and this will not change. Regardless of wider market conditions the best candidates will have options and often several of them! Any time added to your process, including decision making, will increase the number of opportunities your preferred candidate will be presented with and decreases your chance of securing them. In this age, you need to move quickly to beat your competition!
Think of it like a Customer Experience
I often find it useful to put myself in the candidate shoes (or in this case the customer). What are the best processes you have been through as a customer? How were these special? What was good? What was bad?
It is critical that you sell to the candidate you want and as the saying goes; actions speak louder than words. A good ‘customer experience’ also makes people feel wanted. If after the interview, you want them on board, move quickly, it will help them feel good!
Keeping Down Costs
If a process becomes protracted the risk of losing candidates becomes greater and it’s going to cost everyone more time; you and your colleagues on interview time, feedback time, meetings spent looking for solutions etc.
Your Companies' Brand
Your brand is just as important within recruitment as it is in your sales market. When people see job adverts that have been active for a long time or being reactivated, people naturally question why no one’s going into the position. Why doesn’t anyone want this job? Why doesn’t anyone want to work for this company? A good reputation when it comes to recruiting really increases candidate attraction!
Get in touch to discuss how we can help speed up your recruitment process!